On December 31, 2009, the Department of Computer Science (CSD) under the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (CICT), Can Tho University, was established under Decision No. 2082/QD-ĐHCT. On September 29, 2022, according to Decision No. 2082/QD-ĐHCT. Resolution of the Council of Can Tho University, Faculty of Computer Science (CSF) under the College of Information and Communication Technology (CICT), was established based on Computer Science (CS).
The mission of the Faculty is to train engineers and masters in Computer Science and participate in scientific research. Students can build, develop, and deploy (intelligent) software or propose specialized AI solutions in various disciplines. The Faculty's training program concentrates on artificial intelligence, including data mining, graphics, image processing, natural language processing, and computer vision.
Years of
Students of
Presently, the CS faculty has 14 lecturers, including 01 Associate professor, 01 invited doctor, 04 doctors (PhDs), and 08 masters (of which 04 Ph.D. students). The detail of members of the CSF is provided in the LECTURER page