About Us

Welcome to Faculty of Computer Science

On December 31, 2009, the Department of Computer Science (CSD) under the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (CICT), Can Tho University, was established under Decision No. 2082/QD-ĐHCT. On September 29, 2022, according to Decision No. 2082/QD-ĐHCT. Resolution of the Council of Can Tho University, Faculty of Computer Science (CSF) under the College of Information and Communication Technology (CICT), was established based on Computer Science (CS).

The mission of the Faculty is to train engineers and masters in Computer Science and participate in scientific research. Students can build, develop, and deploy (intelligent) software or propose specialized AI solutions in various disciplines. The Faculty's training program concentrates on artificial intelligence, including data mining, graphics, image processing, natural language processing, and computer vision.


Years of



Students of

Computer Science


  • Vision to 2030:
  • The Faculty will be a strong unit in training, scientific research, and technology transfer in the country and Southeast Asia in the computer science domain. The Faculty strives that, in 2023–2024, undergraduate and master's degree programs in Computer Science will be accredited and assessed for training quality. Then, the CSF will deploy a doctoral program in Computer Science in 2025.
  • Training:
  • The training objective is to provide students with knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, big data, natural language processing, and data analytics. After graduation, CS students have multiple career opportunities, including programmers, data analysts, specialists related to computer vision, researchers, public project managers, and others.
  • Scientific research:
  • Research activities concentrate on two majors: "knowledge discovery and data mining" and "graphics and computer vision". Lecturers also have operational experience organizing specialized seminars and participating in peer review committees for specialized conferences and journals, including KR, ICTAI, FAIR, KSE, ACIIDS, Vis-EGC, DMIN, ASMDA, AKDM, RNTI, Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, and others.
  • Cooperation:
  • Our CSF collaborates widely with research institutes and major universities in France, Germany, Belgium, and Canada, such as CRIL, CNRS, IRISA/INRIA-Rennes, INRIA-Paris11, Polytech Nantes, L3I-Larochelle, Telecom-Bretagne, ERIC-Lyon2, UCL Belgium, IFAG Germany, UQAM Canada, IFI Hanoi, et al. We also regularly contact and work with companies in Vietnam, where many of the CS students have graduated and are working, i.e., FPT, VNPT, TMA Solution, and others..
  • Lecturers

    Presently, the CS faculty has 14 lecturers, including 01 Associate professor, 01 invited doctor, 04 doctors (PhDs), and 08 masters (of which 04 Ph.D. students). The detail of members of the CSF is provided in the LECTURER page



    • Dr. Tran Nguyen Minh Thu, Dean of FoCS,

      Email: tnmthu@ctu.edu.vn

    • Dr. Tran Viet Chau, Vice-Dean of FoCS,

      Email: tvchau@ctu.edu.vn